Excellent condition, no chips or cracks. EU Customers please note: Since Brexit, Import VAT is now due on orders from the UK to EU customers. There is a lot of high quality glass coming out of China these days, which imitates the popular styles and techniques made famous by manufacturers on the island of Murano, Italy.
However, some sellers have taken to listing these pieces as vintage Murano, purposely misdescribing them in order to trick buyers into paying over the odds for a piece of mass produced, Chinese glass, sometimes even going so far as to add their own "Made in Murano" labels. The Murano Glass category is currently filled with hundreds of Chinese glass items, that if correctly listed would be in the "Other Glass" section. How can you tell the difference? Generally, most modern, Murano style, Chinese glass is quite a bit larger and heavier than their genuine counterparts.You can also familiar yourself with modern Chinese glass by browsing well known Chinese trade websites, and your local department stores such as TK Maxx and Debenhams. Identical vintage Murano items are very few and far between!
I hope this little guide helps buyers (and sellers) to learn the difference between modern Chinese glass and vintage Murano. To any other sellers of genuine Murano glass, if like me you are sick of seeing the Murano category flooded with modern Chinese glass, please feel free to copy this info and these pictures into your own listings, to help spread the word. Popular brands we regularly stock include the following: Murano glass: Archimede Seguso, Arte Nuova, Aureliano Toso, AVEM, Barbini, Barovier & Toso, Carlo Moretti, Cenedese, Fratelli Toso, Galliano Ferro, Mandruzzato, Salviati, Seguso Vetri d'Arte, V Nason, & Venini.
Scandinavian glass: Alsterfors, Aseda, Ekenas, Elme, Flygsfors, FM Konstglas, Gullaskruf, Hadeland, Holmegaard, Iittala, Kosta Boda, Lindshammar, Mats Jonasson, Nuutajarvi, Orrefors, Pukeberg, Reijmyre, Riihimaki / Riihimaen Lasi Oy, Ryd, & Sea Glasbruk. British glass: Bagley, Caithness, Chance Brothers, Dartington, Heron, Isle of Wight Studio, Jobling, John Walsh Walsh, Langham, Monart, Royal Brierley, Sowerby, Stevens & Williams, Strathearn, Stuart & Sons, Thomas Webb, Vasart, Wedgwood, & Whitefriars. Czech / Bohemian glass: Borske Sklo, Chribska, Crystalex, Franz Welz, Harrachov / Harrach, Hermanova, Kralik, Libochovice, Loetz, Moser, Mstisov, Prachen, Rosice, Rudolfova, Sklo Union, Skrdlovice / Beranek, Stolzle, & Zelezny Brod Sklo (ZBS). Maltese glass: Gozo, Mdina, Mtarfa, & Phoenician.
German glass: Brockwitz, Friedrich, Hirschberg, Ingrid, Muller & Co, Walther & Sohne, & Walther Glas.